Ecology and Heritage Partners are committed to sustainable and responsible practices with regards to our community and the environment. This includes how we support our people, produce and manage waste, how we consume resources and energy, and how we minimise impacts to the environment during our work.
Social Responsibility
Our commitment to social responsibility extends to clients and other stakeholders. We respect those we work with, uphold the ethical standards of our industry and abide by the relevant laws and regulations that protect our community and environment.
Environmental Responsibility
We promote environmental responsibility in the wider community and support not-for-profit organisations such as the Banksia Foundation and EarthWatch Australia through active participation and fundraising.
Sustainable Development
Creating sustainable environments and communities is a core value of our company, whether it be creating more active, open spaces, sustainable development or community engagement and education. For clients, we provide services to achieve outstanding environmental outcomes for their projects. A recent project, the Warralily masterplanned community, achieved EnviroDevelopment accreditation for six sustainability elements and went on to win a national Urban Development Institute of Australia Award for Environmental Excellence.