Our Why

Before we founded Ecology and Heritage Partners, each of us started out with a deep passion for the environment and our country's heritage. After more than 25 years of consulting in our chosen areas of expertise, and 15 years as directors of this company, our passion continues.

Today we work with our team and share the satisfaction of guiding clients through the approvals process, assisting them to find balanced solutions between development needs and the sustainable preservation and enhancement of natural and cultural heritage. This is extremely rewarding.

Along the way we've built strong working relationships with our amazing clients, Traditional Owners and relevant authorities, and continue to enjoy learning and sharing our knowledge on the valuable ecology and cultural heritage that may be present on a site. In turn we learn from them; the vision behind their project, the ways of their industry, and their unique story.

Welcoming new people to our team, whether they be experienced professionals or graduates, and sharing this passion brings many rewards. Our fields require constant learning, so helping our people develop professionally and personally is immensely gratifying.

Director and Principal Ecologist
Director and Principal Heritage Advisor
Director and Principal Ecologist

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