Congratulations to Aramara Solar and Eco Energy World on the successful and timely approval of Aramara Solar Farm. Fraser Coast Regional Council approved the 140 megawatt (MW) solar farm without delay. The project is located at North Aramara, 40 kilometres west of Maryborough on the Fraser Coast.
The project involves construction and operation of the solar farm and associated infrastructure such as installation of photovoltaic solar panels and construction of a substation, transformers and site office. It will be constructed on grazing land and has been designed to avoid clearing of remnant native vegetation.
Ecology and Heritage Partners are pleased to have assisted in obtaining planning approval. We completed an Ecological Assessment Report, and Bushfire Hazard Assessment and Management Plan within the study area to support the development application.
The study area provides habitat for the Koala Phascolarctos cinereus, Greater Glider Petauroides volans and Tusked Frog Adelotus brevis, and habitats for these species will be retained by the solar farm development. As an additional mitigation measure, the proponent will install specifically designed fence ladders to enable Koalas to safely climb over the proposed security fence surrounding the study area, and ensure that Koalas are able to use the study area once the solar farm has been constructed.
Should you require further information regarding Aramara Solar Farm or have questions regarding how to achieve successful outcomes for your renewable energy project, please contact us on 1300 839 325.